Notice Board

Workshop – How To Crack Interview

The Department of Computer Application organized a Workshop on HOW TO CRACK INTERVIEW on 16/11/22 for second-year and third-year students. The workshop was inaugurated on 5.9.2022 at 9.30 am at the seminar Hall. Block A.

The workshop aims to provide students with the knowledge of how to face an interview and how to crack the interview.

A total of 210 students from the second-year and third-year BCA gets benefitted from this workshop. At the end of each session, the assessment was conducted. The resource person distributed the certificates to the students. At the end of the workshop, the students gave feedback on the workshop and resource person. They appreciated the resource person for sparing their expertise with us and clarifying the doubts raised by the students. The program was well organized by students of the BCA department. In the end, Dr. Swati Bhardwaj (TPO), MS Rashmi Verma (HOD), and MS Monika (MENTOR) gave a vote of thanks to the resource person.